PCS-Protect Highlights
Since the quality of your product is directly related to the quality of your software, keeping a close eye on the current state of your software assets is of upmost importance. This is especially important in the case of custom-built software, which continuously undergoes changes as a result of ongoing maintenance, process improvements and plat expansions.
With PCS-Protect for BRAUMAT you can rest assured that the System responsible for controlling your Production Process is continuously taken care of, allowing you to follow best industry practices that help you improve operations, and be prepared as best as you can be in case disaster strikes.
We are confident that our Customers will be fully satisfied with PCS-Protect as an effective way to support their PCS maintenance team and provide protection to their Process Control System (PCS) software assets. To back this claim, BrauXp offers a 30‐day money‐back guarantee* on any new purchase of PCS-Protect.
Enable Software Maintenance Best Practices
Whether you are adding new software as part of a plant expansion, or changing existing software as part of ongoing process improvements, PCS-Protect for BRAUMAT allows you to effectively manage the risks associated with these implementations. It is the ideal tool to enable the implementation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that ensure those changes are made according to best industry practices.
Your Benefits:
- Continuously improve your PCS software functionality and your plant operations while maximizing the utilization of your PCS assets.
- Standardize, improve and enforce standard operating procedures for software maintenance and troubleshooting.
- Prevent interruptions or inconsistencies in software maintenance procedures due to changes or movement of personnel.
- Audit software changes made by Contractors.
Reduce production downtimes and losses
Make PCS-Protect for BRAUMAT part of your Disaster Recovery Plan. Streamline emergency recovery
to minimize lost production with tested recovery procedures and tools.
Make sure you are not missing any important files you will need when disaster strikes, including latest PLC and Server backups.Your Benefits:
- Reduce production downtimes during Process Control System (PCS) disaster recovery situations.
- Prevent financial losses caused by loss of vital data and software assets.
- Increase maintenance effectiveness by leveraging your maintenance personnel’s troubleshooting expertise with our specialized knowledge.
30‐day Money‐Back Guarantee
Service Level Agreement Terms and Conditions apply
Subject to changes without notice.